104 East 10th St. Mountain Home, Arkansas    (870) 425-9186

What Gamma House Provides

  • Safe, secure housing with an emphasis on accountability and personal responsibility.
  • Spiritual support through volunteer and resident-led Bible Study.
  • Emotional support through sharing groups.
  • Connection to church through local congregations.
  • Life Skill classes.

Solid program guidelines and requirements for residents

Since 1991, Gamma House has existed as a "hand up" not a "hand out", believing that if you "give a man a fish he eats for a day but teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." The obvious goal of the Gamma House is to work themselves out of a job. To empower women to break the cycle of homelessness and become independent contributors to their community.

Gamma House Assists With:

  • employment
  • enrollment and continuing in education
  • 12-step programs
  • counseling
  • medical and food assistance programs

Gamma House Provides Classes For Life Skills:

  • cooking
  • shopping
  • balancing a checkbook
  • budgeting
  • improving relational skills
  • improve parenting abilities
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