104 East 10th St. Mountain Home, Arkansas    (870) 425-9186

Your Support Is Needed

Caring for women, for their physical, material, spiritual, and emotional needs last year was not an easy task. The Gamma House solely exists through the generosity of individuals and churches in this community.

The needs are obvious. The solution is evident.

Gamma House needs your help.

There are many ways you can partner with the shelter. First, you can help by financially supporting the house with a one-time gift or a monthly donation.

You Can Also....

Donate Items That Can Be Used Or Sold

You may have items you would like to donate to be used by the residents such as clothing, furniture, household items and even paper goods.


Donate Time Because Volunteers Are Always Needed

Are you handy with a lawnmower or weed eater; or are you a doctor, counselor, or dentist who would provide services to the residents?  Volunteers are also needed for the Yellow House Thrift Store.

Contact Us


Pray fervently for the women that stay at Gamma House.

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